We are supporting artistic community and executing projects


We are organising: festivals, competitions, concerts, trainings, and practical-science conferenses. We are also supporting artistic community by financing charity projects, events, research works and studies and internships for students and teachers

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Project - Camp Residence “Arts for Hearts”

The main focus area of the project is the creation of a public and commonly accessible platform that meets the cultural demand, of the following groups: - People with disabilities - Low-income families - Children from the internally displaced - Military personnel - Participants of the war in Ukraine - Students of the Children Art School No 5 named after Dunayewskiy (city Kharkiv) Participation in the project guarantees: equal rights of all project participants: the possibility of joint creative leisure during the period of the art camp involvement of participants in the creation of a new cultural performance and art therapy The main objectives of the project: 1. Providing a common creative art space for project participants 2. Development of non-standard methods for connection with art (for children and adults) 3. Helping children and adults with post-traumatic syndrome.

Type of project: permanent ( takes place twice per year)
Cost: 800 thousand UAH / per year


Kharkiv-Vyzhnitsa - New foundation

Charity project "Camp-residence Arts for
hearts Vyzhnytsia-2023"

Charity project "Camp-residence Arts for
hearts Ternopil-2023"

+380955654775 | +380672908715 |

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