We are supporting artistic community and executing projects
We are organising: festivals, competitions, concerts, trainings, and practical-science conferenses. We are also supporting artistic community by financing charity projects, events, research works and studies and internships for students and teachers
Learn moreThe main focus area of the project is the creation of a public and commonly accessible platform that meets the cultural demand, of the following groups: - People with disabilities - Low-income families - Children from the internally displaced - Military personnel - Participants of the war in Ukraine - Students of the Children Art School No 5 named after Dunayewskiy (city Kharkiv) Participation in the project guarantees: equal rights of all project participants: the possibility of joint creative leisure during the period of the art camp involvement of participants in the creation of a new cultural performance and art therapy The main objectives of the project: 1. Providing a common creative art space for project participants 2. Development of non-standard methods for connection with art (for children and adults) 3. Helping children and adults with post-traumatic syndrome.